Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Utopia Map

This is the map of our Utopian community:

Monday, October 12, 2009

How our Society Different From Today's?

One thing that is different from our society is we have hydrogen cars so our atmosphere stays clean.
Another rule is that you have to go to collage for at least two years so people here are more smart than anywhere else.
It is also different from todays society because there are no drugs, alcohol, or smoking, so people here are ore healthy and won't die from drug overdose or from cancer in the lungs from smoking.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Governing Body

The Governing Body for UPA are the citizens. The type of government that it is, is a Democracy. The people that are in charge of the Democracy, that would be Dustin, Vladimir, and Brendan, process the demands and needs of the citizens. The reasoning behind this type of Government is because the people would want to live how they want to live, so we make that possible. 

Friday, October 2, 2009


1. No Weaponry
2. Only Hydrogen Cars
3. Every computer must be connected to the Capital Building's internet connection
4. Must be at least 18 years old to marry
5. Must have at least one child
6. No drugs or alcohol 
7. Can have a job at age 12, but must have job at age of 15
8. Must pass High School
9. PDA comes with house and with 500 credits
10. Must at least go to Collage for 2 years

Our Seal/Motto/Animal

At the bottom of our seal, "In Happiness We Trust" is the motto of our Utopia. We picked this motto because it sounded like we cared about the citizens and their happiness. On the top is another important saying that we thought of, "The Happiest Place To Be." In the center of our seal, is a German Shepherd because it symbolizes our bravery and intelligence. 

Friday, September 25, 2009

U.P.A. Name

The reason we named our Utopia, U.P.A is because we put our last names together and we initialed it. Also, it sounded like U.S.A and U.P.S so we agreed to this name. Also our last names sounded good together. That is why we picked this name for our Utopia.